Catherina Cramer & Giulietta Ockenfuß
Unleash the Beast – Chapter 3: El Axolotl de Xochimilco
10.12. – 24.12.2023
Karwath + Todisko
01.12.2022 – 15.01.2023
Luisali Theisen, Dominik Schmitt & Carsten Olbrich
Family Weddings lll
Paul Arambula & Artūras Čertovas
Family Weddings ll
Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann
Blink of an Eye
28.07. – 31.07.2022
15.04. – 17.04.2022
Catherina Cramer & Giulietta Ockenfuß
Unleash the Beast – Chapter 2: Hagenbecks Zoo
06.12. – 19.12.2021
Rosa Elisa Nitzsche & Aline Sofie Rainer
Catherina Cramer & Giulietta Ockenfuß
Unleash the Beast – Chapter 1: The Aquatic Ape
04.06. – 06.06.2021
Louis Baca & Fabian Riemenschneider
01.02. – 15.02.2021
Eleni Wittbrodt
15.01. – 29.01.2021
Rosario Aninat
Under it still
11.12.2020 – 08.01.2021
Karwath + Todisko
16.10. – 20.11.2020
Elia Buletti, Elodie Le Neindre & Carsten Olbrich
Family Weddings l
Arhun Aksakal
ubiquity, invisibility and oblivion of a phenomenon
11.09. – 02.10.2020
Nassim L'Ghoul
Alle schweigen charmant
21.08. – 04.09.2020
Svenja Anna Bach
Palermo oder Höchst
18.07. – 31.07.2020
Natalie Wilke
I'm waiting for my man
04.07 – 10.07.2020

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 28 x 22,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 69 x 59 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 49 x 73,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 40 x 30 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 40 x 99 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 41 x 50 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 48 x 61 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 60 x 80 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 70 x 49 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 18 x 24 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 48 x 87 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 49 x 65,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 40 x 80 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 79 x 58,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 48 x 38 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 58 x 76 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 79,5 x 59,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 33 x 42,5 cm

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation view, dimensions variable
Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus, Blink of an Eye, 2022, installation, German National Library Shelves, dust from shared studio, dimensions variable

Giulietta Ockenfuß & Klaus Bergmann, Untitled, 2021, vinyl emulsion paint on found oil painting, 79 x 58,5 cm, photo by Ivan Murzin, © and courtesy of the artists
Copyright and courtesy of the artist and L187. Photos by Felix Pötzsch
Opening: 28.07.2022, 7 p.m.
Futher dates: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 2 – 6 p.m.
Im Wimpernschlag ist das Schließen des Auges ebenso wie der erneuerte Blick enthalten,der ein flüchtiges Detail erfasst, das dennoch im Gedächtnis haften bleibt.Die Serie grauer Übermalungen bearbeitet Gemäldefundstücke aus der Alltagsbildwelt häufiger Sujets mit ähnlichem Effekt.Daraus ist eine Werkreihe entstanden, die Bildkritik und Konzentrat zugleich ist.Sie lässt sich als subversive Strategie des Umgangs mit ausufernden Bildersammlungenverstehen und ist dabei auch dem Hervorholen von Sehnsuchtsbildern verpflichtet.
Curated by & Louis F. Baca V. & Nora Neuhaus
Ausstellungshalle 1a
Schulstraße 1a
60594 Frankfurt am Main
Giulietta Ockenfuß (*1986, Frankfurt am Main) lives and works in Frankfurt am Main. Ockenfuß is an artist and filmmaker. She studied fine arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the classes of Prof. Tal R and Prof. Rita McBride and graduated as Meisterschülerin in 2010. Her work has been shown at: Robert Grunenberg Gallery, Berlin; Wiesbaden Biennale; Rosenberg Gallery, New York; Synnika Space, Frankfurt; Berghain Kantine, Berlin; Julia Stoschek Collection, Düsseldorf and Kusthalle Bielefeld. She has also received several grants, including the Hessische Kulturstiftung working grant (2020), the Hessische Kulturstiftung travel grant (2019), the "Junge Szene" Kulturstiftung NRW working grant with Catherina Cramer (2019 and 2022) and the Maecenia Stiftung Frankfurt grant (2022).
Klaus Bergmann (*1943, Weiden) lives and works in Frankfurt am Main. He was a university teacher in Frankfurt and Bremen in the fields of literature and cultural studies. He has published books such as: Lebensgeschichte als Appell; Schwarze Reportagen; Vagabunden. Radio author for ARD, ORF. Participation in collaborative projects. Selection: The B. Traven Book; Abhauen. Flucht ins Glück (book); Neue Horizonte. Eine Reise durch die Reisen (book); Galerie der kleinen Dinge (radio, book); Frankfurt, eine deutsche Stadt erinnert sich (media package); Fundstücke des Jahrhunderts (radio and audio book). Moldau scholarship for artistic feature by the Hessen Ministry of Arts and Science. Occasional work on a ghost train.
Giulietta Ockenfuß is the daughter of Klaus Bergmann.
Thanks to Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Bundesprogramm Neustart Kultur der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Bundesverband Soziokultur and Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main for their support.
Press release & checklist (PDF)
Invitation postcard (PDF)